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Translation of Pinsomo Theme: Spanish (Spain)

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Facebook Insights is a free service provided by Facebook. You can use it to study the Facebook statistics for your website. To get started, go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and click on the green button on top right that says "Insights for your Domain". On the box that appears, type in your website domain URL next to "Domain" and choose "[Your Name] (You)" from the drop-down next to "Link With". Then copy the displayed meta tag and paste it above. Save the changes and go back to Facebook insights on Facebook and click on Check Domain. Once verified, you will be able to see your Facebook Insights on the Insights dashboard. You have to login to add a translation. Details

Facebook Insights is a free service provided by Facebook. You can use it to study the Facebook statistics for your website. To get started, go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and click on the green button on top right that says "Insights for your Domain". On the box that appears, type in your website domain URL next to "Domain" and choose "[Your Name] (You)" from the drop-down next to "Link With". Then copy the displayed meta tag and paste it above. Save the changes and go back to Facebook insights on Facebook and click on Check Domain. Once verified, you will be able to see your Facebook Insights on the Insights dashboard.

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Note: If your WordPress blog is not installed at the root of the domain/subdomain or if you are using a network installation, you should instead put this meta tag in the head section on the root domain/subdomain homepage. You have to login to add a translation. Details

Note: If your WordPress blog is not installed at the root of the domain/subdomain or if you are using a network installation, you should instead put this meta tag in the head section on the root domain/subdomain homepage.

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An image URL which should represent your home page on Facebook. The image must be at least 200px by 200px and have a maximum aspect ratio of 3:1. PNG, JPEG and GIF formats are supported. This image will also be used for Open Graph meta on archive pages and on those posts/pages not having a featured image attached. You have to login to add a translation. Details

An image URL which should represent your home page on Facebook. The image must be at least 200px by 200px and have a maximum aspect ratio of 3:1. PNG, JPEG and GIF formats are supported. This image will also be used for Open Graph meta on archive pages and on those posts/pages not having a featured image attached.

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This is the slider section of the homepage. You have to login to add a translation. Details

This is the slider section of the homepage.

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Specify your ClickBank username here if you would like to make money by promoting SomoThemes via a footer link on your site. If you do not already have a ClickBank account, you can easily <a href="" target="_blank">sign up</a> here. You have to login to add a translation. Details

Specify your ClickBank username here if you would like to make money by promoting SomoThemes via a footer link on your site. If you do not already have a ClickBank account, you can easily <a href="" target="_blank">sign up</a> here.

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These settings apply to your author profile. Enter the URL(s) for your social profiles below. If you leave certain URLs blank, they will not be used. You can choose to display your social profiles in the author box on your posts and/or on your author archive page. You have to login to add a translation. Details

These settings apply to your author profile. Enter the URL(s) for your social profiles below. If you leave certain URLs blank, they will not be used. You can choose to display your social profiles in the author box on your posts and/or on your author archive page.

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with warnings